Upgrade Again

OK so I upgraded to WordPress 2.0. Cool. I also included the new Spam Karma 2.1 and Referrer Karma 2.2. I still have some wrinkles to iron out, but it should be good. The point of me telling you this is to let you know that if you get any weird messages about being a referrer spammer then you should let me know and I’ll whitelist your domain or the domain you came from.

Well the upgrade process wasn’t quite smooth. I did a fresh install last night on my own machine to see if it all hung together correctly, including whether the Rubric theme for WordPress 1.5.x worked on 2.0 and it all went great. So today I set about upgrading. I backed up my files, backed up my database and then went ahead with the upgrade. What did I get? A blank page. Ulp. Deleted the live system, deleted the db and then reinstalled my old db and my old files. Checked everything, all cool. Back as we were. So I double-checked the upgrade instructions and upgraded again, same result – blank front page.

I was just about to curse something and start again with just a plain WP2.0 and then add in Spam Karma, Referrer Karma and Rubric to see what was cauing the problem, but then I got bored and went off for a few hours.

When I came back, I decided to see if I could view the admin pages and low and behold, by blindly typing in the admin page address I could see the admin pages. That meant it wasn’t all bad. I decided to check whether the theme was installed properly and it seemed to be but I selected it as the theme again to make sure. Checked the front page. Bingo. Upgrade done. I guess my db was incorrectly referencing the theme or something.

I just had a few other bits and pieces left to sort out with Spam Karma and Referrer Karma and then it was done. I still have to get Referrer Karma to use the Spam Karma blacklist and sort out a few other things and then I’m done altogether.

One thought on “Upgrade Again

  1. hey Ad,
    i am using Akismet now and although it thought one post from perfdave was spam it hasn’t let a single dodgy message though and only misread one.

    if you need a wordpress.com key email me i think they are doing a gmail type thing where you need a user to refer you.

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