Turning 30

Wow, I turn 30 in about 3 weeks, on the 26th October to be exact. I would like to be quite detailed and retrospective, but that will have to wait for another time, but for now, let me suffice to say that I am happy with what I have done over the last 30 years. I have few regrets and have achieved many things that I think few others will. I have certainly done most of the things I would like to have done by the time I’m thinking of retiring.

I have had a fantastic time over the last 12 years. I’ve also had some of the darkest periods of my life during that time, thankfully they have been few. What I want to do next is find some stability and some roots. Yes, I am getting old and sensible, many people never thought that would happen, I’ve always been a rolling stone and gathered no moss. I am a little too self-sufficient for my own good and am fiercely independent. It’s time to get serious, lay down some roots somewhere and make plans for the future. There are many things that I should be organising for the rest of my life which I have done little about. Contrary to that idea, I really would like to travel more, it’s always been one of my goals. So far I have yet to make it out of Europe.

That’s it for now. More thoughts another time.

2 thoughts on “Turning 30

  1. No way ! That’s a bit messed up but I’m turning 28 on the 26th …. LOL

    So how the hell do I have way mor grey hair than you, you obviously don’t have enough stress ! Well I hope you get some for your Birthday then 😉

  2. Well, happy birthday to both of you (just in time)!
    @Fêlim: I seem to have an outdated e-mail address, maybe you could send me your new one? Hope you are reading this, anyway…

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