All Cool

Thought I better update the world with the latest and greatest achievements in my oh so very important life.

Well things have been kinda bumpy but are now settling down. First of all, I broke up with my girlfriend. Long story that I won’t be telling here. I thought I was going to have to find somewhere else to live for a while but it’s all settled now. I went out in Manchester 2 weekends ago, well the details might have been more in depth if I were writing this a day or 2 afterwards, but now I’ll settle for saying I had a great weekend but my hangover was shocking and lengthy.

This last weekend was LUG Radio Live and well I hope to post on that separately before the memories fade. Again the hangover was shocking and lengthy.

I have recently noticed how bad my hangovers are compared to before and they used to be really bad then. I don’t drink very often these days but it has to be said that when I do, it’s generally quite heavily. The problem is that I burn alcohol off very slowly and consequently wake up drunk with a hangover a few hours away while my friends wake up with a fuzzy head and feel clear by late morning, having drunk the same as me. I’ve always had very bad hangovers, but just lately I’ve really been laid low by a night on the tiles. A Saturday night out takes me until Wednesday to feel back to normal. I wouldn’t mind so much if I was drinking 12 pints of lager and a cocktail of spirits, but I’m drinking maybe 6 or 7 beers and possibly a JD and coke. Outrageous. Then again, I am 30 years old in October, sob sob 😉

See you all at the bar 😉