New Linux for Human Beings

I upgraded to Dapper on Sunday as if it weren’t obvious by the XGL post. It really was easy. If you’re already running Breezy, just issue:

gksudo update-manager

from a command prompt and click the Upgrade button. Thats it. Of course Ubuntu Dapper was released properly today.

If you’ve never used Linux before, or tried it long ago and found that either it was shit, you didn’t like it or your hardware didn’t work, then you should try the Ubuntu Linux Desktop CD which will run when your PC boots and it won’t affect your existing Windows installation. It’s a great way to try Linux to see if you like it and to see whether it works on your PC. Please go and try it. if you like it, the CD allows you to install it, but you don’t have to, you can just reboot, take the CD out and go back to Windows.

Go on, you’re bored of not knowing what I’m on about all the time, give it a try, just don’t run the permanent hard disk installer once you’ve booted from the CD-ROM if you don’t want it on your PC.

UPDATE: I removed the ‘-d’ from the update command given above as it instructs the update manager to upgrade to the development version, which, once Dapper was released means you would be updating to a hideously unstable early development version. Apologies.